Best Beginner Golf Tips I Wish I Knew

#1: Get Great with One Golf Club First
New golfers are still learning the golf swing at first, and you can quickly improve on the golf course by just swinging one club for most of your golf shots.
The goal of golf is to move the small, white golf ball down 300-500 yards across land until you get close to the green. So you don’t need to hit all kinds of different clubs at first if you don’t know how to hit them well.
You may be better off hitting your 7 iron 3 times to get to the green rather than hitting a bunch of longer clubs that you struggle with and taking 5, 7, 9 shots with those.
I see beginner golfers take 5, 6, 7 shots to get down to the green on a par 4 because they barely move the ball golf due to chunks, shanks, or bad contact that results in distance being less than desire for that club.
This is a simple tip and trick for beginners to avoid making large numbers on the score card. Suck in your ego and hit one club the entire round from tee to green, then pull out your wedge and putter for short game shots around the green.
#2: Practice Your Short Game…A LOT!
Say it louder for those sitting in the back…PRACTICE YOUR SHORT GAME A LOT!!!
Your short game consists of putting, chipping, pitching, and bunkers. It also can include wedge shots from the 50 yard to 100 yard range that you’re trying to get on the green in one try so you can finish with putting.
Putting has two types, long putts and short putts. Long putts the goal is to take 2 putts to get in the hole and no more than that.
Many beginners score high in golf due to three putting which is taking 3 putts to make the ball in the hole instead of the desired 2 putt limit.
One putting is even better! You can save more pars, bogeys, or perhaps sink a one putt for birdie if you were on the green in regulation.
Here is a short game practice plan that tests your skills and makes you pass Level 1 before moving to Level 2, Level 3, etc. for a total of 10 Levels in the Short Game Plan.
#3: High Volume Repetition Practice Sessions
The fastest way for a beginner to get better at golf is to put in hard work, which requires several days of high volume practice repetitions.
In simple terms, show up to golf practice and make 300-500 putts. Then hit 300-500 chip shots onto the practice green from varying locations around the greenside rough. Then head to the driving range and make 100 golf swings.
Repeat this high repetition golf practice 3x to 5x per week like we outline in our golf practice plans for you.
High repetition practice builds “feel” much faster as you learn distance control with your putter and chipping wedge around the green.
You’ll start to know when you hit the putt short, just right, or long because you have logged thousands of reps under your belt and have developed “feel” with the putter.
You’ll also know how the ball reacts off the face of your wedge on chip and pitch shots from doing high repetitions.
This helps you anticipate how much the chip shot will roll on the green and where to appropriately land the ball on the green to account for the roll.
You’ll start seeing chip and pitch shots end up closer to the hole, leaving you a higher chance of making the putt for your up and down par save.
#4: Consistency Builds Long Term Habit / Muscle Memory / Skill
The final golf tip for beginners is consistency. Show up to the golf course multiple times per week ready to practice and put in the hard work to get better. Show up multiple weeks per month, show up multiple months per year.
Don’t skip a day. Be consistent and follow a practice routine if needed to add accountability so you’re not being random and winging it all the time.
Just like a bodybuilder trying to develop muscle, a golfer must be consistent and hit the golf course often to practice. This is how you’ll build skill, train muscle memory on putting, chipping, and golf swing motions, and how you’ll develop habits that last long term.
Overall, these are the only 4 beginner golfing tips you really need to quickly improve your golf scores. I found these things out through trial and error but you’ve now been armed with the knowledge by reading today’s beginner golf tips blog post.
Before you go check out these practice plans to follow with proven drills and routines to improve your short game and golf swing. We don’t just want to sell you them. We actually see proven results and improvement so that’s why we push them so hard. Golfers email us thanking us for creating resources like this.
We recommend you start with the break 90 plan to get the basics and upgrade later to the harder plans (break 80, break 70) or try the short game plan with chipping and putting challenge levels to pass.